Birthday Box Program

These joy bombs are being delivered every month to foster and homeless children so that they are celebrated on their birthday!

How You Can Help?

Shopping Guide
Shop and Assemble a Birthday Box
We have created a step by step guide to help you assemble a Birthday Box. We have also created online registry wishlists for each age category to help with the shopping process.
*Contact us to schedule a pick up of empty Birthday Boxes at our Laguna Hills warehouse.
Sponsor a Birthday Box
Donate $35 to cover the costs of a Birthday Box. Join us in making a child's wish come true!
Host a Birthday Box Building Party
Rally your people (you know who they are - family, friends, life group, bowling league, bunko tribe, book club, etc.) to join you in collecting items from the Birthday Box guide or wishlists and build some boxes to donate together. We are better together!
*Contact us to schedule a pick up of empty Birthday Boxes at our Laguna Hills warehouse.
Donate Birthday Box Items
We can always use hygiene, clothing, toy and creative items to fill Birthday Boxes. Feel free to shop for individual items on our wishlists below and they will be sent to us. We will add them to the boxes we are assembling every month.

Birthday Box Gift Options

See our list of gift suggestions for a boy or a girl in one of these three age categories: 1-5, 6-9, or 10-13, 14+.
Click the age below to see the shopping suggestions.


Boys 1-5 Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat

HYGIENE: Toddler toothbrush & toothpaste, bodywash, baby shampoo & conditioner, bandaids, washcloths

CREATIVE: musical toys, books, crayons & coloring books, notebook, stickers, playdough, art kit

TOYS: toy trucks, pretend food, play animals, small stuffed animals, baby toys

Target Wishlists
Boys 6-9 Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat, sunglasses, small backpack 

kid toothbrush & toothpaste, bodywash, shampoo & conditioner, comb, bandaids, washcloths, lip balm, reusable water bottle

musical toys, books, colored pencils, markers, coloring books, notebook, stickers, slime/putty, art kit, puzzles, legos

action figures, tech decks, card games, mochi squishes, small stuffed animals, marbles, trucks/cars. fidget toys, balls, slinky

Target Wishlists:
Boys 10-13 Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat, sunglasses, small backpack 

toothbrush & toothpaste, bodywash, shampoo & conditioner, comb, bandaids, washcloths, lip balm, reusable water bottle

books, colored pencils, markers, coloring books, notebook, stickers, slime/putty, art kit, puzzles, legos

action figures, tech decks, card games, mochi squishes, sports equipment, trucks/cars, fidget toys, balls, slinky

Target Wishlists:
Boys 14+ Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat, sunglasses, small backpack 

toothbrush & toothpaste, body wash, shampoo & conditioner, comb, bandaids, washcloths, deodorant, lip balm, reusable water bottle

books, colored pencils, markers, coloring books, notebook, journal, stickers, putty, art kit

card games, mochi squishes, fidget toys, sports equipment, slinky, gift cards

Target Wishlists:


Girls 1-5 Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat

Toddler toothbrush & toothpaste, bodywash, baby shampoo & conditioner, bandaids, washcloths

musical toys, books, crayons & coloring books, notebook, stickers, playdough, art kit

baby dolls, pretend food, play animals, small stuffed animals, baby toys

Target Wishlists:
Girls 6-9 Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat, sunglasses, small backpack 

kid toothbrush & toothpaste, bodywash, shampoo & conditioner, comb, hair ties, bandaids, washcloths, lip balm, reusable water bottle

musical toys, books, crayons, colored pencils, markers, coloring books, notebook, stickers, playdough/slime/putty, art kit, play jewelry, puzzles, legos

dolls, barbies, card games, mochi squishies, small stuffed animals, marbles, jump rope

Target Wishlists:
Girls 10-13 Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat, sunglasses, small backpack, jewelry 

toothbrush & toothpaste, bodywash, shampoo & conditioner, comb, hair ties, bandaids, washcloths, deodorant, lip balm, makeup, nail polish, reusable water bottle

books, colored pencils, markers, sketch books, notebook, journal, stickers, putty, art kit

card games, mochi squishies, small stuffed animals, sports equipment, gift cards

Target Wishlists:
Girls 14+ Yrs Old
CLOTHING: socks, underwear, blanket (thin, fleece type), hat, sunglasses, small backpack, jewelry 

toothbrush & toothpaste, bodywash, shampoo & conditioner, comb, hair ties, bandaids, washcloths, deodorant, lip balm, makeup, nail polish, reusable water bottle

books, colored pencils, markers, sketch books, notebook, journal, stickers, putty, art kit

card games, mochi squishies, small stuffed animals, sports equipment, gift cards

Target Wishlists:
*Do Not Include: Candy; gum; used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives, or military figures; chocolate or food; seeds; fruit rolls or other fruit snacks; drink mixes (powdered or liquid); liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snow globes or glass containers; aerosol cans.
Download Guide
Any questions, contact us at

Please send completed boxes to:
Project Giving Light
220 Newport Center Dr #11, Suite#346
Newport Beach, CA 92660
If you are able, please include in the box $5 cash or check made out to Project Giving Light, so that we can provide each site the boxes are delivered to a Party Fee for them to buy the cupcakes, balloons and decorations.